See the instructional video here.
Thriller Mixer Dance
Choreographed by Danielle Blouin-Oats and Agnes Mazlanka
1-4 Head Tick on 1, back to normal on 2, Tick on 3, normal on 4.
Head Tick Left for leaders, Right for followers 2 times
5-8 Elvis Knee (leaders left, followers right 2 times)
Twist knee inward on 1 and 3, straight on 2 and 4.
1-4 Head Tick 2 times
5-8 Elvis Knee 2 times
1-4 2 Ghoulish Walks- 2 beats per step (leaders start w/left foot, followers start w/right foot)
5-8 Starter Step
1-4 Basic WCS Fold
5-8 4 Stomps while rotating back to partner (leaders R, followers L)
1-4 Underarm Turn w/Clap on 3, Step Side on 4 with arms straight out. Follower should be in front of Leader both facing in the same direction.
5-8 4 Shimmys on 5-and-6-and, Anchor on 7 & 8
1-8 Whip w/Coaster on 7 & 8. Both dancers should rotate on coaster to face Line-of-dance.
Leaders Right foot should step forward line-of-dance on 8. Followers are opposite.
1-8 Thriller Walks start line-of-dance (counter-clockwise) (Leaders Left, Followers Right)
1-2 Walk-walk (claws up)
3 twist -step-in-place 180 to opposite direction
4 twist -step-in-place 180 to line-of-dance
5-6 Walk-walk (claws up) – clockwise
7-8 Walk, Walk & Turn to face Partner. Re-connect (leaders R, followers L)
1-2 Walk Walk (Leader walks back) Prep follower for spin.
3-4 Follower Free spins to a Rib – chest press with Right hand on 4
5-8 Followers spin in place or can travel slightly towards center (single or double),
5-8 Leaders Step-Spin-Slide Left to next partner (clock-wise)