Board Nomination

TBWCSA Board of Directors

Nominations & Elections

It is time to elect new board members. But first, we need volunteers to nominate themselves to be on the board.

Per our club bylaws, up to eleven (11) Board of Directors can be elected for our new fiscal year, April 2018 until March 2019.

TBWCSA’s procedures are for current members to self-nominate themselves to be on the ballot. We will close nominations at midnight on Jan 31st.

If you are interested in being on the board, use the attached form, pick up a self-nomination form at our dance or download it from the website,, and return your nomination forms to

Once elected to the board, the following positions will be decided upon among themselves and each board member will have a specific responsibility.

Running a non-profit organization like TBWCSA takes the cooperative help of many individuals. Listed below are the Programs, Activities and Tasks for which the Board members take responsibility. If you think that you have the experience and/or willingness to assist in these areas, you can either nominate yourself to be on the board, or simply volunteer to help with some of the tasks.

OFFICERS (4): President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer

President: Represents the club, responsible for communication to members via a monthly newsletter and special Presidents letters, oversee all other offices, committees and functions. In charge of setting up special programs such as DA, DA performances, MeetUps, outreach programs for “Sister Clubs” and college WCS instruction. The president oversees Marketing & Promotion and publicity related matters. The president is assisted in these activities by the Secretary, Music/DJ Committee and Communications & Social Networking Committee. They will Post dance announcements to Events websites, local “Happenings” papers, radio, TV, etc. They will arrange to have flyers and business cards distributed to local dances and ballroom studios. The President must be a former board member.

VP: Assists the president. In charge of dances, dance managers and dance schedule. In charge of the Membership CRM Committee. Responsible for making sure that the membership local database is updated weekly including visitors’ names and emails; and the MailChimp online database is updated prior to the newsletter being sent out. Ensures the visitor rosters and new members applications are scanned and upload to the Google Drive. Audits weekly attendance with revenue collected.

Treasurer: Bookkeeper using QuickBooks. Makes sure funds are deposited and payments are made. Arranges to have the taxes prepared and filed, 501c7 Not-for-profit forms filled out and filed, insurance, state reports for non-profits prepared and filed, does financial analysis of dances and programs, prepares financial reports for the board.

Secretary: Prepares the board agenda, writes up meeting minutes, send out welcome and miss you letters, coordinates and assists communications activities with Communications & Social Networking Committee, and assists the President with Marketing & Promotion activities. The Secretary has responsibility for the DVD-Video Library.

Board Committees and Board Member Responsibilities (7):
Weekly Dance Mgr/Librarian, Music/DJ, Instructors, Communications & Social Networking, Webmaster,

Dance Committee: There are 3 Dance Managers. One person will be in charge of a dance at a time, unless it is a big event. They are responsible for overseeing dances, setup, operations and cleanup, and managing the dance coordinator(s) who do most of the work.

The dances include the weekly Friday dances, free dances, special dances, and coordinate TBWCSA activities for the 4 dances for which TBWCSA has been a sponsor: Tampa Bay Classic, Sweetheart Swing, Summer Swing, and the Masquerade Gala.

Other responsibilities include purchasing water, ice, snacks and keeping those items filled, recording attendance and collecting payments from dancers, counting the money and making the bank deposit. They will coordinate weekly with Music/DJ Committee and the Dance Instruction Committee. One of the Dance Managers will update the online calendar with the name of the Dance Manager for each dance.

The Dance Manager for the evening also has responsibility to check-out and check-in items from the DVD Video Library.

Music/DJ: Maintains and updates the TBWCSA Music Playlist.  Schedules the DJs. Makes sure that the DJs are instructed on the type of music that is being selected and played. Keeps open communications and solicits feedback from members to ensure that the various tastes in music are being heard and accommodated. Responsible to update the online calendar for which DJs are playing at each dance. Assists President with Marketing and Promotion activities.

Dance Instruction Committee: Responsible for scheduling instructors and lessons, and updating the online calendar with the current information. Also responsible for making sure the lesson recap video is taken and posted on TBWCSA’s YouTube and Facebook. Assists President with Marketing and Promotion activities.

Webmaster: Responsible for managing the website. Helps edit and format pages so everything displays properly. Add PayPal payments for specific events or purposes and adds them to the appropriate pages. Will assist to update Events, Announcements, Calendar items, photos, and update Renee’s newsletter to the website weekly.

Communications & Social Networking Committee: The director of this committee will coordinate all aspects of content creation, managing the Calendar, and posting updates to social networks which includes: Facebook announcements, update events, calendars, photos, and tagging, and managing the YouTube channel. Ensures that someone is taking photos and video clips at the dances and posts some on the website and Facebook.


  • Nominations open from May 1 and close Friday, May 12.
  • Nominations are to be emailed to, or turn it in at a Friday dance.
  • Voting for Nominated board members will be posted on website and online voting will be available Friday, May 19 to Friday, May 26.
  • We will have a laptop and assist anyone who wants to vote at the dance on May 19 and May 26.
  • New Board will be announced at the Friday dance, June 2.
  • 1st New Board meeting Sunday, June 4.


Bruce Park, President 2016-2017